Transform Security Management with Automated Tagging

Streamline workflows, gain deeper insights, and strengthen your security posture with Dynamic Tags.

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Painless Security

Automated micro-segmentation and continuous monitoring significantly reduce the attack surface and minimize the impact of potential breaches.

Increased Efficiency

IT staff is freed from repetitive access control tasks, allowing them to focus on higher-level security initiatives.

Reduced Costs

Automating access control workflows minimizes the need for additional security personnel.

Simplified Compliance Management

Mapping tags to compliance requirements make easier audits and reduces the burden on IT staff.

Enhanced Security Posture

Automate threat identification, enabling proactive measures against vulnerabilities like outdated antivirus software via Dynamic Tags. Streamline security management with centralized device monitoring, prioritizing efforts and resources effectively. Fortify your network effortlessly with our enhanced security features.

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timus sase

Improved Efficiency and Automation

Dynamic Tags reduce manual workload, automating tag assignment for faster security operations. Streamlined workflows eliminate errors, freeing up time for strategic tasks. Enhance efficiency and accuracy in security management effortlessly.

Greater Visibility and Control

Providing detailed insights into device security, Dynamic Tags enable precise measures to enhance network security. Simplified management integrates tags into firewall rules and agent profiles, enabling precise access control based on security posture. Achieve greater control effortlessly.

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timus sase

Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability

Streamline security with comprehensive Device Posture Checks, effortlessly scale for expanding networks. Seamlessly integrate with existing tools like EPPs for simplified workflows and heightened security visibility. Experience flexible, scalable security management.

Level up productivity and cybersecurity

In less than 30 minutes.

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