Timus Keeps Employees Productive & Protected

Productivity Enhances The Bottom Line

The Timus productivity tracker compiles data across your organization giving key metrics around company wide productivity

Connect From Anywhere

Timus enables safe browsing from anywhere on any device.

Protection Against Threats

Behavioral analytics, adaptive MFA, and anti-malware ensure the correct users are staying secure with company data.

Always-On Connectivity

Timus provides a seamless always-on agent ensuring employees are properly connected at all times.

Why Timus?

Timus helps businesses of all sizes scale and adapt to the current security landscape by combining security with connectivity.

Connecting Made Easy

Ensure data is protected without the worry of logins. Timus acts as always-on connectivity.

User Based Billing

Protect your data based on the user without worry. Each user can bring up to 4 devices to Timus.

Digital transformation has moved the goal post for security. Workers are connecting from everywhere. Timus keeps users productive and protected while providing actionable data for business owners to monitor precious data

Reduce Your Attack Exposure

By restricting access to SaaS apps to only come from the Timus gateway, stolen credentials, even if correct will not provide bad actors access to critical systems.

Common Systems Protected - Office 365, ERP Software, SalesForce, Documentation Tools

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Seamless User Experience

The Timus Connect Agent is always-on, eliminating clicks for users and improving productivity with less forgotten passwords.

Connectivity provides minimal latency and optimal performance.

Prevent threats with advanced and integrated features

Timus provides comprehensive and cohesive security for your networks. A dynamic firewall is integrated with anti-malware, secure web gateway, intrusion prevention and zero trust access systems to keep your resources safe wherever they are.

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Working from anywhere is possible with secure remote access

Your employees can access all resources anywhere without compromising security. Timus increases your organization's productivity by establishing fast and secure connections to cloud applications with a great digital experience.

Level up productivity and cybersecurity

In less than 30 minutes.

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