Built For MSPs

Easy To Do Business With, Easy To Manage, Easy To Deploy

Become a Partner Refer an MSP

Partner success is a multi-pronged approach. Timus works exclusively through the MSP channel. Enablement is key.

White Glove Implementation

Complimentary implementation is offered upon request for partner & client deployments.

**Partners receive complimentary internal usage licenses

Co-Marketing Initiatives

We aim to grow together while encouraging collaborative marketing efforts such as -

Joint webinars

Event presentations

Client orientation & trainings

Priority Support

Technical support representatives are available around the clock for tailored assistance.

**Please request a priority support channel via your account manager.

Truly one of the best teams we’ve worked with and one of our favorite products.

It’s rare to find a partner that has such an in-depth knowledge of the MSP space and understands the needs of our customers in depth. Our partnership with Timus was one of the smoothest, easiest, and most comprehensive integrations in 16 years.
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Jim Smith
CEO, Proper Sky

Our customers don’t need to worry about their remote workforce anymore.

Timus stands out by consolidating multiple tools into one comprehensive solution. This eliminates the need for separate VPNs, web filters, and additional agents. Timus not only enhances operational efficiency but also reduces complexity for both MSPs and clients.
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Ali Jhonston
CEO, Bel Tech Services

With Timus, intuitive security is now a reality - it's truly revolutionized our security stack.

Timus stands out with its ease of configuration and intuitive interface, requiring minimal training. Their team excels in responsiveness, actively listening and adapting to feedback. With Timus, we've securely managed on-premises and cloud assets, effectively protecting remote workforces on untrusted networks. A pivotal decision for our security needs.
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Will Fritts
Director of IT, SOS Technologies

100% MSP-focused. No direct competition.

Timus is 100% focused on supporting MSP partners, and more and more MSPs are making Timus their dedicated network security solution. 

Become a Partner

Partner Collateral


At Timus, our mission is to create a safer digital ecosystem through our MSP partners, with a solution that is loved by the people who are using it: MSPs and their clients alike. We understand that creating successful, long-term partnerships is a multi-pronged approach, and enablement is key. We strive to improve 24/7/365, and are known to be "easy to do business with", with a solution that is "easy to deploy", and "easy to manage" today.

Timus was designed from the ground up to be sold-through its MSP partners with a focus on ease of use, operational efficiencies, and client satisfaction. Network security is complex, we strive to hide all that complexity behind a single pane of glass where all clients and endpoints can be managed centrally from a single location. Timus is only successful when our MSP partners are, it’s why more and more MSPs are making Timus a key part of their layered security stack.

Timus was built to be layered into a client's existing security stack versus mandating vendor replacements. Timus does replace VPNs, but the MSP/Client can keep their Identity Providers, MFA vendors, and on-prem firewalls which Timus can seamless work with. TImus has several integrations set up with different applications such as Entra ID, Okta and Google Workspace.

The average onboarding time with Timus is around 30 minutes.